Steal my organizing process!

Learn how to organize any space in your home with this free step-by-step checklist that walks you through my signature 4D’s To Organizing system.

What you’ll get:

My signature step-by-step process for organizing any space or room in your home (or outside of it)

The exact questions to ask yourself about each and every item before deciding whether to keep or ditch it

How to figure out where to store all the things you own so you always know where to find them

The exciting steps for putting your belongings away and making them look good and function well

Change your space from this

To this

Hey, I'm Jen!

Trying to turn a cluttered and uninspiring room into one you love being in can feel like climbing a mountain in high heels — frustrating, uncomfortable, and honestly, downright painful.

That’s where I come in.

I help you get rid of the clutter you don’t know what to do with and find functional ways to keep the items you want. 

Here’s a secret: “being messy” is not a personality trait — it’s just a symptom of not understanding how to create systems that fit your unique habits, lifestyle, and your home.

Being beautifully organized and creating your dream space is one part science, one part flair. I set up the science part (organizational systems), and help you develop the flair (home styling).

And along the way, I’ll teach you what you need to do to keep your space looking and feeling how you want it to.

We’re updating the way you exist within the space so you always feel confident in your ability to keep it looking organized and beautiful. 

I’m going to say it: You deserve to have a home you love to be in.

view my services

professional organizer, declutter coach, interior stylist